Company Profile
About Chelson Gordon

Chelson Gordon Consultancy (CG) is one of the renowned consultant company in the management field relating to the education industry.

We provide consultancy services to our clients from the establishment of the new college to discontinuation of the college operation.

To continue and maintain this success, we ensure that all business partners and their RTO(s) will be provided with the best consultancy services from qualified team members with over 10 years of experience. In addition, with reliable knowledge and understanding of the regulatory requirements for RTO standards 2015. At the same time, we have other professional team members who are ready to provide immediate communication with you to fulfil your demands and expectations.

Our Company
We're International

We are an international company which operates in 7 countries. As of now, we have team members from across the world from different countries to assist and work for you whenever you need us. We also would love to announce that we are planning to expand our company to other countries.

Our Business
What we do

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognised as a trustworthy and professional provider of consultant services to all business partners. We aim at offering the “one-stop shop” to our existing and prospective business partners and taking care of their Registered Training Organisation (RTO) journey as our slogan quotes:

Support your RTO journey from the very first step”.

Our Mission

As for the company’s mission, we have created a mission to achieve the ultimate goals which aligns with the company’s vision as well. To be more specific, our missions are also separated into three main areas which are listed below.

Full Dedicated Consultant

to our team

A relationship with all business partners

Our Vision

Our company, Chelson Gordon Consultancy, has a long-run objective that we will be expanding to other areas to support the business partners’ demands and expectations. This is to become an all-rounder services provider and will ensure that the business partners will be served with great services and experiences.

We have also set a clear vision for our team to visualise, follow, and act to be more professional in this industry. Apart from being the best in the consultant industry, we have set another vision for our business partners which is to support their RTO journey, to work, and to grow together with them. In addition, building and sustaining a good and strong relationship with business partners in the long term is another important area of the company’s vision which we try to keep on going.

As a result, Chelson Gordon Consultancy keeps operating with clear visions in three different areas. The first vision is to provide the best consultant service and expand ourselves to support business partners in every possible way. Secondly, it is a vision to encourage our team to be more competent in the industry where services are being provided. Lastly, a vision with all business partners in terms of the development and maintenance of a relationship with them.

Our Mission

Our company, Chelson Gordon Consultancy, has implemented the missions to align with the company’s visions. To be more specific, our missions are also separated into three main areas which are listed as follows:

(i) Full Dedicated Consultant Service,

(ii) Encouragement to our team,

(iii) a relationship with all business partners.

In conclusion, we are keen to achieve the missions that we have established or previously planned. On the one hand, we believe that all missions will significantly enhance our company’s potential and capacity enough to fulfill the vision and be able to lead the industry.

Full Dedicated Consultant Service

As the first mission, the company aims to provide the best consultant service. We are certain that all of RTO’s non-compliance practices will be consulted and rectified to meet the requirements of RTO standards. As for the practices which have already been compliant, the company also provides a service to monitor and maintain the ongoing compliance practices and ensure their alignment with the standards at all times.

To continue further in this area, the company seeks to offer a full scope of consultant services apart from complying with the RTO standards 2015. Specifically, our company is exploring new areas of services such as (1) material development, (2) legal services, and (3) other relevant services. This is to ensure the achievement of this mission and to offer other types of services that meet business partners’ needs.

Encouragement to our team

As the second mission, the company encourages the consultant team members to learn and perform the new scope of tasks apart from their expertise. In order to achieve this mission, the company implements lifelong learning for the team members to improve their knowledge and skills. This mission will allow team members to learn new things, gain experience, and eventually become more equipped and skillful with that new scope of tasks.

A relationship with all business partners

As the last mission, the company would like to develop a good relationship with all business partners. To be more specific, Chelson Gordon Consultancy aims to offer the best services and solutions to business partners and their RTO. We are also attempting to collaborate closely with them from the very beginning of the journey in order to achieve this mission. This is to build and maintain successful growth and a good relationship with all business partners.