Published 30 January 2023

Extended transition period: CPC30211 Certificate III in Carpentry Course

Australian Skill Quality Authority (ASQA) recently granted an extended transition period for all ASQA-registered RTOs to deliver the qualification, CPC30211 Certificate III in Carpentry to continuing students only. The period of training and/or assessment and certificate issuance of this qualification will be extended and ended on 31st January 2024.

ASQA works in collaboration with the Guidance for Providers - Leaners Transitions for extending the transition period. Additionally, ASQA will consider the application submitted for a longer transition period. The application is required to demonstrate that the extension would be beneficial for a group of learners if the application would be approved.

As a result, RTO providers can lodge the application to extend the transition period for the relevant qualification. However, in order to get the approval, the application will be required to demonstrate the proper reason why it will be a disadvantage for such learners if the application gets rejected.


About the author

Chelson Gordon

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